Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Maine Remembers Those Who Served

The state of Maine has a very interesting, and not well known way to honor veterans.

There is a site you can use to enter the name of a veteran you want to honor when you vote.

Sadly, not only is it not well know, it is also a little difficult to find, which is a shame. There is no
reason to hide this away, let the entire state know of its existance.

First do a search for voter information, when Google brings up the list, click on the voter information-Maine USA.

Then on the left side click on Vote in Honor of a Veteran. When that page comes up look for the link Maine Remembers Those Who served.

When you click on that link it will bring up the table of contents listing wars starting in the Revolutionary War, with links.

Chapter 3 is the Cold War Era, with several links tied to particular incidents. The last link in
that chapter Maintaining Peace And Stability says exactly what and why we served; in a few
but meaningful words.

I wish the state would generate more publicity about this site before every election. If no body knows about it, it will languish and fade away.

There is also a link, although I am not sure if this part of the program is still in effect; that you
can use to order a button with the name of your veteran on the button.

Jerald Terwilliger
National Vice Chairman
American Cold War Veterans, Inc.
"We Remember"

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